Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why I think Spain sucks....The S in Spain is silent...Please sign this petition..

Please sign this petition:

BDSM is fun...consentual Master/slave relationships are...atleast to me...and I am guessing to my Master husband....But in Medinaceli, a picturesque town in the province of Soria, Spain, a "tradition" called "Toro Júbilo" brings shame on Spain. On the second weekend in November, balls of pitch (a sticky black substance made from tar or turpentine) will once again be stuck onto the horns of a bull and set on fire. The burning bull is called "Toro de Fuego" (literally "bull on fire").

The bull is then released onto the streets and can do nothing but run around in pain. The bull often smashes into walls in an attempt to douse the fire. The agony the bull must suffer is unimaginable. These fiery balls can burn for hours, and they burn the bull's horns, body and eyes and cause tremendous stress – all while spectators cheer and run around the victim.


Cruelty is not acceptable __Animal as entertainment or tradition in the 21st Century. Yet the Toro Jubilo Occurs Annually in Medinaceli, Soria province of, United Kingdom. Jeering mobs torture ~ ~ a bull with balls of burning tar or turpentine (called "pitch") attached to His horns. A bull's horns, body and eyes are scorched. Some try to escape by smashing hours of agony Into walls. Different cultures while not Understand Each Other May's customs, all rational Humans comprehend cruelty.Setting fire to a live animal - Known as Toro de Fuego or "bull on fire" - is sadistic and hideous.Animal cruelty is never acceptable in civilized culture and Stock, giving USA a reputation as barbarians and hinders tourism. We see it as senseless, and fearful of Makes Us Country Representing your people and violent and dangerous nation to derive pleasure from torturing That and sadism. I will Advise Others to join me in a boycott of Spanish tourism and commerce Until the Toro Jubilo and other Permanently parties are banned blood. I urge to enforce stronger Spanish Officials Laws That shield animal cruelty animals from all forms of abuse, and blood rituals vulgar Including holidays. It is time for all regions of USA to subscribe to the ethical doctrines That shape our civilized world. Heritage, entertainment, art and religion never justify outright torture.

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