Friday, July 1, 2011

Journal Entry July 2nd 2011.

On this Independence day weekend..I concluded that the..The National Organization for Women (NOW) is a dubious, deviously insane and self serving organization...not much different from the likes of GOP.
"So I am retracting even the ambivalent support I gave them in the past. New evidence had made my previous position unsupportable, and I am therefore changing it."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is called integrity. At least in my slutty’s mind...and that’s all that counts.

And here’s a video: that rocked me like a rodeo...and that took me way back to my cornwall training days with my then rich and spoiled Master.

and this one was exciting too....not that I am into it.

 It’s kinda Lesb/gay and I don’t know why, but I stumbled across this video on Xvideos and totally found my self rocking out to it. Probably cause obviously I am a shameless slut and grew up sneeking into all these movies. Either way, enjoy. If you don’t like it, well, I don’t care. But you may spank me if you can catch me.  Have a wonderful Independence Day....If you can talk some sense into a retarded GOP clown on how Abe Lincoln and George Washington saw freedom for all and how the GOP seeks to turn it backwards for Immigrants and Hispanics, gays, Lesbians...You have contributed something for our great country.... Long Live America and let the GOP demise ungracefully.
P.S: Photo11 in my cm profile is a dare photo from years ago in England...where I dared to strip from my hotel room to a parking lot where hubby was lurking....I was lucky not to get arrested..but...England is not America..we have saner laws there....take notes America.

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