"We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and sexual identity disorders. This is a very real issue. It's not funny, it's sad. Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle-we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It's a very sad life. It's part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay. It's anything but gay. Michele Bachmann in Her Own Words: 'Gays Are Part of Satan' Do we need another Moron as a president of America? Wasn't Bush enough?Bachmann says: "We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and sexual identity disorders. This is a very real issue. It's not funny, it's sad. Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle-we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It's a very sad life. It's part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay. It's anything but gay. What Ms. Bachmann does not understand or is too lazy or stupid to learn or just ignorant to understand is that her God makes gays and lesbians so that she and others like her can persecute them ( How compasionate is that God really? If there is any such thing as a God..)? Let me tell you a true story: Years ago in Oxford, England, I had a friend named Gloria who secretly fell in love with me...Yes a female. And she was into BDSM too...and loved it like me..We spent many evenings and nights exploring the Gor novels, or discussing the fascinating book "The life of O" over Gin and Scotch..or just plain experimenting or exploring a harness or rope knot. She was mentally every bit like me. Like me, She was a perfect slave and loved it.... We had many many adventures together - This perfect woman Or perhaps a man’s idea of the perfect woman.. My friend Gloria as she is known had flawless and dewy skin, angular cheekbones, a cinched waist, milkmaid breasts, long legs, dove-like hands, lush long hair. Wherever she went, people swiveled their necks and stared more for her than for me. She was envied by many including myself, a fantasy, a vision. A goddess. And she was absolutely miserable. She loved kids and wanted a family but couldn't. After her many failed romantic advances towards me...She tearfully confided in me that she was an AIS woman...in other words she was a man with female parts. What is that? - Rather than me trying to explain AIS to you....read this link below: Ok, Back to the story: At birth neither her parents nor her doctors noticed any difference in her pussy. Rather, she had the perfect pussy...no hairs, very tight, smelled just right. In high school she went from being a normal girl to an princess. She was not only taller than the rest of us but curvier, too (Her doctor said that - some androgens are converted to estrogen which act on breast tissue...I learned). Unlike other girls, Gloria never got acne or grew pubic or armpit hair (androgens regulate hair growth). Gloria did not have to fight body odor or pubic odor. She got recruited as a runway slave and a model, She was attracted to women and had many girlfriends (including a celebrity). Her Master made sure that she was taken by women as much as by him, but She did not like sex like me, But had sex, albeit painfully. When Gloria was sixteen she never got any periods, (a perfect slave yeah! I know Doms..smile..)... so her alarmed mother brought her to the doctor and and MRI revealed an astonishing discovery. She had undescended testes. Inside, she appeared every bit male: no fallopian tubes, no uterus, no ovaries. She had penis, testes, scrotum..all undeveloped.. Similarly, There are men who have X chromosome and deal with this painfully in isolation....quite sad really. They have Klinefelter syndrome which is the most common sex chromosome disorder in males and the second most common condition caused by the presence of extra chromosomes. The condition exists in roughly 1 out of every 650 males...So one in 650 males are actually partly female...and might act, dress, feel, romanticize, behave, have sex as a female in a private sitting and enjoy it.. Does that..ring a bell here Doms...when Men pose as females???... So you see Ms. Bachmann....some of the gays and lesbians are made by your God...and not by Satan...and if you ask me...Made by evolution...not God or Satan.....But I do respect your stupid belief. And here is another: ‘God Has Created You for Heterosexuality’: Clinics Owned by Michele Bachmann’s Husband Practice Ex-Gay TherapyIn the summer of 2004, Andrew Ramirez, who was just about to enter his senior year of high school, worked up the nerve to tell his family he was gay. His mother took the news in stride, but his stepfather, a conservative Christian, was outraged. “He said it was wrong, an abomination, that it was something he would not tolerate in his house,” Ramirez recalls. A few weeks later, his parents marched him into the office of Bachmann & Associates, a Christian counseling center in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, which is owned by Michele Bachmann’s husband, Marcus. From the outset, Ramirez says, his therapist—one of roughly twenty employed at the Lake Elmo clinic—made it clear that renouncing his sexual orientation was the only moral choice. “He basically said being gay was not an acceptable lifestyle in God’s eyes,” Ramirez recalls. According to Ramirez, his therapist then set about trying to “cure” him. Among other things, he urged Ramirez to pray and read the Bible, particularly verses that cast homosexuality as an abomination, and referred him to a local church for people who had given up the “gay lifestyle.” He even offered to set Ramirez up with an ex-lesbian mentor. Ramirez was not impressed. After his second appointment, he resolved not to go back, despite the turmoil it might cause in his family. “I didn’t feel it was something that I wanted to change, and I didn’t think it could be changed,” he says. “I was OK with who I was.” As Republican presidential contender Michele Bachmann has surged in the polls, the spotlight has turned on her husband and main political adviser, Marcus Bachmann, who has a PhD in clinical psychology and owns two Christian counseling centers in Minnesota. There has been a great deal of speculation that his clinics, which have received $161,000 in state and federal funding, try to cure homosexuality—and the chatter has only grown louder since his comments likening gays to “barbarians” who “need to be educated” and “disciplined” surfaced in the blogosphere last week. Marcus Bachmann has denied these allegations. “That’s a false statement,” he replied when the Minneapolis City Pages asked if his clinic tried to cure gays. And until now there was no firm evidence to back these allegations up. But information obtained by The Nation suggests that Bachmann & Associates therapists do, in fact, try to change sexual orientation. It also sheds new light on the Bachmanns’ embrace of the controversial ex-gay movement and related psychological approaches, which portray homosexuality as a disease to be rooted out. Some of the most potent material was provided by Truth Wins Out, a gay rights group that opposes the ex-gay movement. In late June, a Truth Wins Out activist named John Becker donned two hidden cameras—one embedded in a wristwatch—and attended five treatment sessions at Bachmann’s Lake Elmo clinic. Becker, who is openly gay, presented himself as a committed Christian who was struggling with homosexuality. The video he collected seems to confirm Ramirez’s allegations that staff members at Bachmann & Associates try to change sexual orientation. Becker’s therapist (another of Marcus Bachmann’s employees) repeatedly assured him that homosexuality could be overcome. “At the core value…in terms of how God created us, we’re all heterosexual,” he explained, according to the footage. “God has created you for heterosexuality.” The therapist also mined Becker’s personal history for traumatic experiences that might have turned him gay. To curb Becker’s gay impulses, the therapist urged him to pray and read Scripture and suggested Becker “develop” his masculinity. He also encouraged him to find a “heterosexual guy” to act as an AA-type sponsor. Later, he referred Becker to Outpost Ministries, a church that helps “the sexually and relationally broken”—in other words, homosexuals—“find healing and restoration through relationship with Jesus Christ.” At moments in the videos, Becker seemed to try to bait the therapist into saying something controversial. For instance, Becker brought up a conversation in which his brother told him that gay people could just as easily go to heaven as anyone else and pressed the therapist to say this wasn’t so: “I mean, he was wrong, right, with what he said? He was wrong, wasn’t he?” The therapist tried to dodge the question. Becker pressed him again, and the therapist changed the subject. In later sessions, Becker spoke excitedly about ex-gay literature he’d found, which raises the question: to what degree was the therapist simply following his lead? Both Bachmann & Associates and the Bachmann campaign declined to comment for this story, though in the past Marcus Bachmann has insisted his clinics don’t push people to change their sexual orientation. “If someone comes in a homosexual and they want to stay a homosexual, I don’t have a problem with that,” he told the Minneapolis City Pages. Nevertheless, the techniques the therapist at his Lake Elmo clinic used were typical of so-called reparative therapies, which cast homosexuality as a mental disorder and see conversion to heterosexuality as the only healthy outcome. “The explicit goal of the sessions was transforming Becker from homosexual to heterosexual,” says Wayne Besen, Truth Wins Out’s executive director. Most professional psychologists view reparative therapy skeptically, to say the least. In 2007 the American Psychological Association assembled a task force to study the effectiveness of this approach. After spending two years sifting through the available research—it evaluated eighty-three studies dating back to 1960—the group concluded that there was scant evidence that sexual orientation could be changed. What’s more, it found that attempting to do so could cause depression and suicidal tendencies among patients. Based on these findings, in 2009 the APA voted to repudiate reparative therapy by a margin of 125 to 4. Despite these facts, the approach continues to be embraced by conservative culture warriors and the ex-gay movement—and the Bachmanns fall squarely in this camp. Michele Bachmann has made no secret of her disdain for homosexuality. She has likened teaching about it in schools to “child abuse” and dubbed homosexuality itself a “sexual dysfunction.” She has also said gay marriage is “probably the biggest issue that will impact our state and our nation in the last, at least, thirty years.” Less well known is the Bachmanns’ fondness for ex-gay ideology. One sign of this is the close bond they have cultivated with Janet Boynes, an African-American woman who claims that she was driven to drugs and lesbianism by the abuse she suffered as a child—among other things, she was raped by an altar boy. She says she broke free of the “lesbian lifestyle” after an encounter with a Christian woman in a grocery store parking lot set her on the path to salvation. Boynes has since come out strongly against gay rights. For instance, she was featured in a national ad campaign against hate crimes protection for gays and has argued that “it is a mockery to everything blacks suffered and the rights we won to claim that homosexuality is a civil rights issue.” Both Boynes and the Bachmanns declined to comment on their relationship. (“They are friends. I love them dearly. But I will not talk about the Bachmanns,” Boynes said when contacted by phone for this article. “This interview is over.”) But the Bachmanns have leaned on Boynes to promote their antigay message. In 2005, Marcus Bachmann gave a presentation called “The Truth About the Homosexual Agenda” at the Minnesota Pastors’ Summit, a gathering of conservative religious leaders designed to build support for anti–gay marriage legislation. According to Curt Prins, a Minneapolis marketing consultant who was in attendance, Bachmann first offered his professional assessment that same-sex attraction was an affliction that could be rooted out. Then, as confirmation, he called Boynes to the stage to tell her story and show off before-and-after photos—a dour masculine-looking woman with cropped hair, followed by a smiling paragon of femininity. Prins, who is gay, says the crowd went wild. “They thought this was the word of God,” he recalls. Boynes has also made a number of public appearances alongside Michele Bachmann. And the website for Boynes’s ministry, which aims to help people overcome homosexuality, features a glowing endorsement from the Minnesota Congresswoman. According to photos Becker took, Boynes’s book, Called Out: A Former Lesbian’s Discovery of Freedom, is displayed in the lobby of Bachmann & Associates’ Lake Elmo clinic, along with a note from Marcus Bachmann, saying, “Janet is a friend. I recommend this book as she speaks to the heart of the matter and gives practical insights of truth to set people free.” What does it mean to be set free? In April, Boynes, who has become a prominent ex-gay spokeswoman, was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network, along with a former drag-queen stripper named Christian, whom she supposedly helped draw out of the “gay lifestyle.” At one point, host Lisa Ling asked Christian if he still struggled with attraction to men. He said he did, painfully: “I describe it as bleeding out of my eyeballs.” Ramirez, the former Bachmann & Associates patient, who is now working for a hardwood lumber company, says it was stories like these that prompted him to come forward. Since dropping out of therapy, he has come to terms with his sexuality and delved more deeply into his Christian faith. He wants other young gay people to know they can do the same. “I want to send a clear message,” he says. “There’s nothing wrong with you. One day you will find love and acceptance.” In other news, I can not stop staring at this spanking gallery from Clare Fonda. @@ <swoon> Is the tireless chief spanko Mike, pictured above showing his smack-down skills on Spanked in Uniform, the hardest working spanker in the industry? He just might be…..Whoa and how I love that image above…..uh huh…errm…where was I? OK….Pictured here is a beautiful, cherry-reddened lass onSIU’s cheerleading school who earns herself some overdue, panties-down otk behavior modification therapy. In cherry red blog news: Stay tuned for a forthcoming guest column by thisspanktastic spanking model. * * * If you seek more cherry redness, featuring males on the receiving end, do perv on over to my other blog: Spanking4Men. |
This blog is mainly about submissions, spankings & Republicans - more or less in that order. It is the fun, sexy, groovy, tingly, exciting kind of submission that turns me on like a chrimas tree! My husband trains me, disciplines me, reddens my bottom and I just love it. I invite you to read, share, and enjoy. This is a place where my deepest desires, fantasies does take flight in secret...sh! shh! shhh!.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Educating Ms. Michele Bachmann on Gays and Lesbians.
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