"Animals Get Eaten More Than We Do," Say Nude Women
Whachington: (IP)
Wearing nothing but body paint and fake ears, angry women staged dozens of protests around the nation today, crouching on busy sidewalks in tiny wire cages
after painting tiger stripes on their otherwise nude bodies. Shouting slogans and arguments at passers-by, the women, members of People for Eating Tasty Animals (PETA), were protesting what they call "the persistant
and invidious male failure to lick pussy, give head, or go muff diving."
The unprecedented display of public nudity was intended, according to PETA spokes-woman Ima Hornay, to shock complacent men into reconsidering their routine failure to deliver oral sex. "Nothing promotes discussion and dialogue
better than a naked woman in a cage," she said. "We believe that the shock value of public nudity and the exposure of our bodies to public scrutiny is the
only way to convince men that we are deadly serious about this cause and that we won't rest until we get the cunt licking we deserve."
Hornay explained that male excuses for not providing oral sex are, in her view, inexcusably weak. "Men say we don't smell good, or we don't taste good. But have you seen some of
the things men willeat? Men go hunting all the time, and the smelly animals they drag back get eaten more than we do! We are here to demand that they get over it, and get back to giving us the oral pleasure we deserve. Our message is that women taste good!"
Other protesters were even more blunt. "My husband is always pushing my head down toward his dick," complained Nita Fashel, "but he hasn't licked my pussy since before we were married. That's unacceptable to me. I came out here today to help spread the word in the only language men understand:
lots of beautiful tits and ass on public display in cages!"
However, many of the people who witnessed the protests appeared confused by the caged animal imagery. "Why are all these hot babes painted to look like tigers?" asked one otherwise enthusiastic young man. "I mean, is it a beastiality
thing? Or what? I don't get it, but I like it."
The confining wire cages also bewildered most observers. One young woman asked one of the caged nude tiger women "Why are you putting yourself on display like a helpless pet in a kennel? Are you trying to get men to collar you and leash you and teach you to jump through hoops on command? Do you want to be kept in cages? Animals are like slaves, is that the status you want for women? Don't you think
the humiliation of such public nakedness will prevent men from taking you seriously?"
Most of the men witnessing the protest, however, seemed to be taking voyeuristic pleasure pleasure in the event, rather than being persuaded of the points PETA
hoped to make. "If these babes think that getting naked, painting themselves like Cat Woman, locking themselves in cages, and showing off their yummy stuff on the street is gonna make me lick more cunt, they have another think coming! If women weren't so damn stingy about sucking cock, they'd probably
get a lot more head themselves."
Police arrested two ambitious young men who attempted to lift an occupied cage into the back of their pickup truck.
"Since this tiger chick was shouting about licking pussy, we thought we'd take her home and start with her," one of the men is reported to have told police. There were no other arrests, although several of the caged women complained of being goosed through the bars and one claimed she was attacked by a man wielding a large rubber tongue on a stick.
"Animals Get Eaten More Than We Do," Say Nude Women
Whachington: (IP)
Wearing nothing but body paint and fake ears, angry women staged dozens of protests around the nation today, crouching on busy sidewalks in tiny wire cages
after painting tiger stripes on their otherwise nude bodies. Shouting slogans and arguments at passers-by, the women, members of People for Eating Tasty Animals (PETA), were protesting what they call "the persistant
and invidious male failure to lick pussy, give head, or go muff diving."
The unprecedented display of public nudity was intended, according to PETA spokes-woman Ima Hornay, to shock complacent men into reconsidering their routine failure to deliver oral sex. "Nothing promotes discussion and dialogue
better than a naked woman in a cage," she said. "We believe that the shock value of public nudity and the exposure of our bodies to public scrutiny is the
only way to convince men that we are deadly serious about this cause and that we won't rest until we get the cunt licking we deserve."
Hornay explained that male excuses for not providing oral sex are, in her view, inexcusably weak. "Men say we don't smell good, or we don't taste good. But have you seen some of
the things men willeat? Men go hunting all the time, and the smelly animals they drag back get eaten more than we do! We are here to demand that they get over it, and get back to giving us the oral pleasure we deserve. Our message is that women taste good!"
Other protesters were even more blunt. "My husband is always pushing my head down toward his dick," complained Nita Fashel, "but he hasn't licked my pussy since before we were married. That's unacceptable to me. I came out here today to help spread the word in the only language men understand:
lots of beautiful tits and ass on public display in cages!"
However, many of the people who witnessed the protests appeared confused by the caged animal imagery. "Why are all these hot babes painted to look like tigers?" asked one otherwise enthusiastic young man. "I mean, is it a beastiality
thing? Or what? I don't get it, but I like it."
The confining wire cages also bewildered most observers. One young woman asked one of the caged nude tiger women "Why are you putting yourself on display like a helpless pet in a kennel? Are you trying to get men to collar you and leash you and teach you to jump through hoops on command? Do you want to be kept in cages? Animals are like slaves, is that the status you want for women? Don't you think
the humiliation of such public nakedness will prevent men from taking you seriously?"
Most of the men witnessing the protest, however, seemed to be taking voyeuristic pleasure pleasure in the event, rather than being persuaded of the points PETA
hoped to make. "If these babes think that getting naked, painting themselves like Cat Woman, locking themselves in cages, and showing off their yummy stuff on the street is gonna make me lick more cunt, they have another think coming! If women weren't so damn stingy about sucking cock, they'd probably
get a lot more head themselves."
Police arrested two ambitious young men who attempted to lift an occupied cage into the back of their pickup truck.
"Since this tiger chick was shouting about licking pussy, we thought we'd take her home and start with her," one of the men is reported to have told police. There were no other arrests, although several of the caged women complained of being goosed through the bars and one claimed she was attacked by a man wielding a large rubber tongue on a stick.
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