This blog is mainly about submissions, spankings & Republicans - more or less in that order. It is the fun, sexy, groovy, tingly, exciting kind of submission that turns me on like a chrimas tree! My husband trains me, disciplines me, reddens my bottom and I just love it. I invite you to read, share, and enjoy. This is a place where my deepest desires, fantasies does take flight in! shh! shhh!.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
GOP ? Grand Old Perverts
There must be something in the air. Either that or we have arrived at the Republican mating season, for we are catching more and more of them participating in their bizarre courtship rituals.
Most of us are at least passingly familiar at this point with the tale of Senator Dave Vitter of Louisiana, a very vocal flack for the Talibangelical crowd. His number was the first to tumble out of the records of Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the DC Madam. You may not, however, be aware of this, a pearl of wisdom from the infamous “Canal Street Madam” of New Orleans, who had this to say about her famous client and his cohorts:
“They wanted to be spanked and tortured and wear stockings—Republicans have impeccable taste in silk stockings—and these are the people who run our country.”
Brrrrrrr, *shudder*. We’re going to file that under “Things We Never Want to Think About Again” and keep moving. And whatever you do, do NOT think about Tom DeLay while reading the quote above.
Rest of this blog at:
Republican Pervert Arrested
TITUSVILLE - Republican state lawmaker "Kneeling" Bob Allen, who was charged with offering to perform oral sex for $20 on an undercover male police officer vowed Thursday to defend himself in court and said he would not resign from office."I am filing a not guilty plea. I am vigorously going to fight this.'' State Rep. Bob Allen, a co-chair of Republican presidential candidate John McCain's campaign in Florida, said at a news conference, "I am not resigning my office because the people elected me and want me to do a good blowjob. I am going to do a good blowjob for them in finishing this term. I may not be the biggest cocksucker in the Florida State Legislature, but I want to be the best cocksucker.''
Allen called his arrest "an ugly and unpleasant situation that has been thrust on me and my family, like a big hairy penis.'' The lawmaker had sponsored a failed bill that would have tightened the state's prohibition on public sex. "I was just doing some research on how easy it is to give somebody a blowjob in a public place. I am not a faggot myself, but lots of my friends are cocksuckers." Allen choked up when he thanked his teabagger friends who had contacted him to offer their dildos and vibrators. Allen warned people not to jump to conclusions about what happened. "Just because I was arrested offering to give an undercover cop a blowjob doesn't mean that I would have done it. This was my first time. I am a virgin." Allen only spent a couple of hours in jail, so he is still a virgin for now and claims that he is saving himself for the right cop. "I prefer Highway Patrol. I fantasize about being pulled over by a Trooper and then being taken into the woods and forced to do things that would not be proper for a State Representative to talk about with the media. In case anyone wants to know, I am still cherry."
Allen said he could not offer any details about the arrest because of his legal strategy. "My legal strategy is to lie, mislead, and pretend this never happened. I am going to call on all my important political friends and see if the cop that arrested me can get a promotion in exchange for going on an extended vacation. Hopefully this case will be quietly dismissed in a few months." Asked if he could give a detailed statement, Blob said "If I actually tell the truth that would be stupid. Just because I got caught trying to give a cop a blowjob at a public park restroom doesn't mean that I am stupid." Allen says he is not a pervert. "It is not true. It is inaccurate and therefore, it's not guilty,'' Allen said of the case. Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Polemonkey said the matter would be addressed in a timely and appropriate matter. "While this is an extremely serious matter, the House of Representatives and the judiciary system have established a process to deal with situations of this nature. We Republicans are well-known hypocrites and lying scumbags. Our Republican Party is replete with degenerate perverts and Blob Allen is hardly a blip on our collective radar.''
Allen's arrest on Wednesday came days after a key Southern supporter of McCain opponent Rudy Giuliani, U.S. Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, was identified as a client of a Washington, D.C., escort service."It just seems sad and tragic,'' Gov. Charlie Crist said Thursday when asked in Miami about Allen's arrest. Veteran's Memorial Park was under surveillance when Allen was seen coming in and out of a restroom three times, said police Lt. Todd Hutchinson. Allen, 48, then approached an undercover officer and was arrested after he reportedly said "Hey, can I suck your dick for $20? I will take out my dentures and gumm it for you." The Officer had a mild seizure and threw up after taking a good look at Blob Allen. Fortunately, the back-up units were able to conduct the arrest. Allen has been charged with solicitation for prostitution; which has a maximum penalty of one year in jail. Brevard County jail officials said Allen posted a $500 bond and offered to meet the young boys in Juvenile Hall to talk to them about good citizenship. While being transported to jail, Allen told WFTV Channel 9 that the situation was "a very big misunderstanding. I wanted to blow the guy for free. I never offered to pay him. He should be paying me. I am still a hot guy.'' Allen was elected to the Florida House in 2000.
“The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all .”
~Pablo Casals
Monday, June 20, 2011
Solar Bikini? A nude Christmas Dare photo of me.
Well, My Hubby Master is away on his 2 week business trip...and here I am cooling my summer heels off with kids in tow...Master's dare challenge command became somewhat of a nightmare..for me at first..and then I turned the tables on him...He failed to pixilate a pic which he told me to post if I dared...This pic leaves my face and pussy open to view while pixilating my boobs.....Master dared and I posted...Call me feisty or foolish...But there it is on my profile.. and for those folks lucky enough to be currently enjoying the European weather ( Hubby included) this summer will no doubt be heading for the beach. Me, I am no sun worshiper..but love the beach never-the-less. Hubby bought me a unique gift which arrived by mail yesterday....It's a solar bikini....said to keep beer cool at the beach..or at least charge his ipod and laptop. The Solar Bikini from New York designer Andrew Schneider is said to be capable of charging a smartphone or media player while the wearer lays back and soaks up the summer sun. Now available for custom order, each bikini sports 40 thin and flexible photo-voltaic strips connected by conductive thread, which ends at a USB port. Check it out here:
And here is a fun Youtube video to watch:
And here is a youtube video that is also hilarious: and here is an article that justifiesthis video. supporting the article
Promoting other friends blogs.
im getting excited im going to paris and le mans and see the me mans race in June. June 9th-20th. I never get to travel and am very excited and i get to see hot grid girls! Yeah. Ive been working my ass of 3 days of wokring out 55 minutes, gonna do 5 days a week and get back to my fighting weight! I’m excited and happy to be alive!
And here is a fun Youtube video to watch:
And here is a youtube video that is also hilarious: and here is an article that justifiesthis video. supporting the article
Promoting other friends blogs.
Back from Paris
July 6th, 2011
I feel reborn and amazing, having a blast camming and cant wait for my next vacation! It feels so good to be home! I’ve been having lots of private cam spanking sessions and its been very rewarding, i even spanked myself to tears the other night for my first time, hot, im tingly thinking about it!
Posted in Spank News | 3 Comments »
gone to france
June 8th, 2011
Bon Vogage all special treat at and first time ever ebony goddess at all updates done in advance since im officially vacation wish me luck! whats a vacation, i dont know ive never had one! HAHAHA! much love and summer spanks and licks and fucks! Please remember to tip me offline 90 tkns and you’ll get raffle tickets to win my special pictures and videos from trip! to get photos from france!
Posted in Spank News | 2 Comments »
Little West came back for more
May 27th, 2011
She came back a second time before her screentest was even posted! Little 50′s bratty daughter needed some punishing for reading trashy mags and snacking on chips and lollies instead of cleaning up! Some how did i end up getting it too though wtf? West is actually a good little spanker and a switch like me! We’ve had so many girls wanting me to spank them and girls iv spanked who want to come back for more! I have one last shoot with Ambere Sweet on Sat then that is it before France

Posted in Spank News | 6 Comments »
My morning walk
May 23rd, 2011
So i’m trying to lose weight till and been working out 5-6 days a week 60 minutes a day and have not lost one single pound ughhh! Am firming up though. So yep i have cut the alcohol out damnit! I’m going to Paris in June and have a raffle im doing on myfreecams for awesome prizes if anyones interested. Ya know on Mondays i just wanna mope around and say nothing but I hate Monday and stuff my face with lasagna like Garfield and be petted. Here’s a pic taken with my new iphone 4g the white one { of my favorite butterfly the swallowtail, not only the name but it’s so pretty!) which im pissed because the self pics are onlu 600 and the ones you shoot the other direction are huge such bs for what i need the camera for so i put a new canon with a flip out viewfinder on my credit card should be here today!
Posted in Spank News | 2 Comments »
Amber dressed?
May 8th, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
What our crazy Republicans are upto now?
The GOP is throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping some of their crazy against Obama will stick
Never mind. Supply side economics isn't dead, after all. The real reason that American employers aren't interested in hiring new workers, despite high corporate profits, is the psychologically devastating impact on business confidence delivered by big government deficits.
Or at least, that's the line of argument suggested by some of Salon's readers today.
"You may want to address the biggest issues affecting American companies motivation for re-investing their profits in America," wrote one reader. "These issues are of course out of control spending by the federal government and ever increasing federal debt. The federal government has created an environment of uncertainty that makes investing for the future very difficult."
So -- just cut the deficit, and along will come the confidence fairy, waving her wand to usher in a magical "expansionary fiscal contraction." A little (or a lot) of austerity, and all will be well.
One almost never hears this theory get much airtime when Republican presidents are busting budget surpluses and running up big deficits. Back when George Bush was cutting taxes, there wasn't a peep from the business community or Republican legislators warning about the dire impact that future deficits would have on business confidence. Quite the opposite -- as Dick Cheney so famously said: "deficits don't matter."
Interrogation on Father's day Weekend.
Happy Father's day everybody...Here is a Fathers Day gift idea for your Dom... Totally nude Aerobics for $14.95...Atleast he will get his exercise in the morning..........Groovy, sexy TGIF again....Love you so.. But Not looking forward to Monday for a different reason this time...Master Husband will be on a 2 week business trip starting Monday... Wish I.. could have tagged there is a slight sadness in me that is strangely unnerving.....But I have high expectations for a groovy weekend..I keep getting dropped hints playing with this..Master thundered pointing to my pussy...and slave mode starting at 6.00pm.Friday.... (Kids will be spending the weekend and Monday at inlaws....giggle). Ok..Time for me to converge on my blogs...
There’s a certain special privilege and pleasure being a slave at home blogging your way to glory while her Master toils away hard at work putting a roof over our heads and bringing home the beacon...goes back to my sayings..."Under all that Master's endless training, a slave controls her Master in ways that the Master cannot even comprehend or fathom"...... I had a cool slave examination by my Master this morning while he let my imagination run away wild with me....Yes, Master put me through his usual slave positions and brought me to his favorate one with a "V" hand sign - I immediately spread my legs over my ears, holding my heels while he had coffee and cereals..Today he did not make me balance his coffee mug over my pussy. as I rambled about shifting identities, connections between skepticism and sexuality, politics, my Doms on the internet, my career path or the lack thereof, making atheism and BDSM safer online...Here is an excerpt:
When you were in your teens, Where did you see yourself in your career in your adult life? Master asked. He must find it very amusing to interrogate me in this position...Little does he know I "double" enjoy this.
Honestly? I never thought I would be a aimless slave wife in the U.S. My goal was to be a lawyer. I did graduate college in record time "at least that's what I like to think" --and to get the hell out of there (well to get away from my Cornwall Master) not really..Marriage was on my mind as well...and to get on with my life..
So why -- exactly -- do I not believe in God? Master breaks my chain of dreamy thought... my answer...the assumption that religion is a mistaken idea about the world and that atheism is a correct one, eloquently stated by Richard Dawkins.....Master lost interest right away there....
My arguments against God and religion are indeed disruptive...scattered all over my blog, ( I do have a couple of blogs that I publish anonymously including my rants against the Republican Rascals) and I don't expect even my most devoted readers including my Master to read every single piece of my atheism and religion rants.
To cut this long story short about my interrogation....Here is how he finished it...Master got an egg timer from the kitchen, wound it up...put it on my pussy and told me I could get up when the timer went off...and left for work..and oh...he snapped a couple of pics of me too..Darn!. And how long did the egg timer tic before I could sit...42 minutes precisely but felt more like 2 hours. Time is realtive...we all learned that from Einstein right?
Boot camp? Gift idea for Men
Happy Father's day everybody...Here is a Fathers Day gift idea for your dom... Totally nude Aerobics for $14.95...Atleast he will get his exercise in the morning..........Groovy, sexy TGIF again....Love you so.. But Not looking forward to Monday for a different reason this time...Master Husband will be on a 2 week business trip starting Monday... Wish I.. could have tagged there is a slight sadness in me that is strangely unnerving.....But I have high expectations for a groovy weekend..I keep getting dropped hints playing with this..Master thundered pointing to my pussy...and slave mode starting at 6.00pm.Friday.... (Kids will be spending the weekend and Monday at inlaws....giggle). Ok..Time for me to converge on my blogs...
There’s a certain special privilege and pleasure being a slave at home blogging your way to glory while her Master toils away hard at work putting a roof over our heads and bringing home the beacon...goes back to my sayings..."Under all that Master's endless training, a slave controls her Master in ways that the Master cannot even comprehend or fathom"...... I had a cool slave examination by my Master this morning while he let my imagination run away wild with me....Yes, Master put me through his usual slave positions and brought me to his favorate one with a "V" hand sign - I immediately spread my legs over my ears, holding my heels while he had coffee and cereals..Today he did not make me balance his coffee mug over my pussy. as I rambled about shifting identities, connections between skepticism and sexuality, politics, my Doms on the internet, my career path or the lack thereof, making atheism and BDSM safer online...Here is an excerpt:
When you were in your teens, Where did you see yourself in your career in your adult life? Master asked. He must find it very amusing to interrogate me in this position...Little does he know I "double" enjoy this.
Honestly? I never thought I would be a aimless slave wife in the U.S. My goal was to be a lawyer. I did graduate college in record time "at least that's what I like to think" --and to get the hell out of there (well to get away from my Cornwall Master) not really..Marriage was on my mind as well...and to get on with my life..
So why -- exactly -- do I not believe in God? Master breaks my chain of dreamy thought... my answer...the assumption that religion is a mistaken idea about the world and that atheism is a correct one, eloquently stated by Richard Dawkins.....Master lost interest right away there....
My arguments against God and religion are indeed disruptive...scattered all over my blog, ( I do have a couple of blogs that I publish anonymously including my rants against the Republican Rascals) and I don't expect even my most devoted readers including my Master to read every single piece of my atheism and religion rants.
To cut this long story short about my interrogation....Here is how he finished it...Master got an egg timer from the kitchen, wound it up...put it on my pussy and told me I could get up when the timer went off...and left for work..and oh...he snapped a couple of pics of me too..Darn!.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
May I have the honor of educating you Master?
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